U.S. textile and apparel imports off to a slow start in 2015

U.S. textile and apparel imports off to a slow start in 2015

U.S. textile and apparel imports off to a slow start in 2015
U.S. textile and apparel imports off to a slow start in 2015

The U.S. Office of Textiles and Apparel (OTEXA) has reported that U.S. imports of textiles and apparel  totalled 4756.6 million square metres in January 2015, a decrease of 5.6% compared to January 2014. Imports of textiles were 2706.7 MSME in January 2015, down 6.17% from January 2014. Imports of apparel were 2049.9 MSME in January 2015, a decline of 4.2% compared to January 2014.


China remains the top supplier of textiles and apparel, with exports of 2240.1 MSME in January 2015, a decline of 9.6% over January 2014. India is the second largest supplier (372.8 MSME, 4.4%), followed by Vietnam (340 MSME, 0.6%), Pakistan (210.4 MSME, -12.4%), Mexico (184.4 MSME, -1.5%).


Valuewise, U.S. imports of textiles and apparel during January 2015 were to the tune of US$ 8556.92 million, a drop of 5.11% compared to January 2014. Imports from China were to the tune of US$ 3300.35 million, a fall of 10.38%, in January 2015. Valuewise, Vietnam is the second largest supplier in the U.S. market, with exports amounting to US$ 847.42 million, an increase of 0.41%. India’s exports to the U.S. market were to the tune of US$ 584.21 million, a growth of 3.21%, followed by Indonesia and Bangladesh.


U.S. imports from non-traditional markets record strong growth

U.S. imports from Sri Lanka at US$ 179.62 million in January 2015 registered a growth of 24.48%. Salvadur, another non-traditional supplier to the U.S. market recorded an export growth of 20.67% to US$ 128.69 million. Imports from Guatemala at US$ 103.80 million grew 24.43% in January 2015. Other non-traditional markets that recorded a strong growth in exports to the U.S. include Kenya, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Czech Republic, among others.


Fibrewise textile imports of U.S.

U.S. imports of cotton textiles and apparel during January 2015 were to the tune of 1487.7 MSME, a fall of 10.5% compared to imports in January 2014. Imports of woollen textiles and apparel at 14 MSME fell 6.2%. MMF textile imports at 3191.4 MSME were down 3.1% and textiles of other fibres at 63.5 MSME fell 10.7%.