ThreadSol Launches 'IntelloBuy' For Tirupur Knitwear Hub
ThreadSol Launches 'IntelloBuy' For Tirupur Knitwear Hub
ThreadSol has announced the launch of a cost cutting solution called Intellobuy for the Tirupur knitwear hub.
The solution launched by the pioneer in enterprise material management for sewn products is expected to help manufacturers save fabric cost by 10% as well as boost their bottomline by 50%, ThreadSol’s India Sales Head Anuj George said. IntelloBuy is a material estimation solution that gives accurate buying consumption for a particular style, saving on costs at the buying stage for manufacturers worldwide.
According to a release, the software product which has been successfully adopted by Vietnamese, Chinese and Indonesian markets will be customised for the Tirupur garment cluster shortly. The product is expected to help both medium and large enterprises of Tirupur, bring down their operational costs as well as compete effectively with international competitors like China and Bangladesh.
Incidentally, Tirupur is a major textile and knitwear hub which contributes 90% of India’s total cotton knitwear exports worth USD 3.1 billion.