Saurer: E³ – triple added value for textile companies
Saurer: E³ – triple added value for textile companies
The innovation philosophy of Schlafhorst
E³ on the Autocoro 8: double-digit cost reductions and productivity increases
Innovative technologies are pivotal to E³ - Energy, Economy and Ergonomics. The revolutionary single-drive technology of the Autocoro 8 is an example of this. The Autocoro 8 opened up new horizons for the rotor spinning mill with this innovation, smashing the barriers imposed by central belt drives and revolutionising rotor spinning.
The single drive is of supreme importance for energy efficiency. The rotor drive accounts for half of the energy consumed by conventional rotor spinning machines. As rotor speeds increase, energy consumption goes through the roof on belt-driven machines. Mills that increase their productivity by increasing the speed on centrally driven rotor spinning machines are risking the economic efficiency of their production, and only the Autocoro 8 liberated spinning mills from this destructive predicament.
The energy advantage: Single drive as the key to groundbreaking energy efficiency
The Autocoro 8 with its revolutionary single-drive technology and new energy-optimised motors uses 20% less energy than the most energy-efficient conventional belt machine at the same rotor speed. The saving is even greater at high rotor speeds. This has made double-digit cost reductions possible, thus economies on a scale that hasn't been seen in the industry for years. The specific energy requirement per kilogram of yarn, e.g. for a weaving yarn of a count of Ne 20 (Nm 34) spun at a rotor speed of 160,000 rpm, is less than 1 kWh on the Autocoro 8. Since the saving is greater as the speed increases, this opens up new scope for companies to increase productivity and economy at the same time. It is simply a textile-technological matter of what speed the Autocoro 8 operates at.
The economy advantage: Maximum efficiency ratings and more profitable packages
The Autocoro 8 offers other economic successes with innovative operating options such as Seamless Lot Change and PilotSpin, which eliminate idle running when changing lots and winding sample packages. Integrated piecing at the spinning position using SyncroPiecing reduces waiting times and increases machine efficiency. Higher take-up speeds or spinning settings with more frequent piecing cycles thus become more economically viable. DigiWinding packs at least 10% more yarn onto each package with the same package diameter, normally signifying better machine utilisation and also 10% less packaging, 10% lower shipping costs and 10% fewer logistical staff in the spinning mill.
With double-digit productivity increases and cost reductions, the Autocoro 8 substantially increases the profitability of rotor spinning at a stroke. The competitiveness of Autocoro spinning mills is increased. The ergonomic advantage: lean maintenance and lean management On an automatic rotor spinning machine, ergonomics means lean management and lean operations above all. The symbol display at each individual spinning position communicates directly with the operators and accurately signals where and how they must intervene if a malfunction occurs. This saves time and the need to walk down to the central operating unit at the machine head. The Autocoro 8 also executes smooth lot changes automatically without any manual intervention. When spinning several lots at once, the Autocoro 8 even detects incorrectly inserted tubes autonomously,so that human operating errors can be detected and corrected promptly
The single spinning unit technology also cuts the amount of cleaning and servicing required, as the spinning positions on the Autocoro 8 can be serviced individually section by section without having to shut down the entire machine. Instead of having to make entire cleaning brigades available on a one-off basis to clean and service a complete machine, spinning mills can adapt their processes to lean maintenance, which saves up to 60% of the servicing effort. A single spinning unit can also be dismantled easily for servicing and overhauled conveniently and quickly in the workshop without bringing the entire machine production to a halt. New servicing processes without production stoppages can be implemented.
The intelligent flexibility of the Autocoro 8 cuts the planning outlay for operating sequences considerably, making operational management as a whole more ergonomic. This relieves the load on managers and facilitates new organisational structures.
E³ as a life cycle service in customer support
The E³ innovation philosophy not only determines the development of machines, but also influences how the Schlafhorst Customer Support function is perceived. "E³ is a life cycle service," says Thomas Arter, Head of Customer Support. "This is because our innovative technologies open up a steady stream of new opportunities for increasing output and economic efficiency during their life cycle. We are thus supporting our customers in using their Autocoro 8 in a more energy-efficient and productive manner and with the minimum of personnel in daily operation. We provide a wide range of services, extending from simple tips on maintenance via the provision of Modernisation Kits to targeted textile-technological consultancy services."
Thus the rotor speed of the Autocoro 8 can often be increased without affecting the yarn quality or efficiency rating of the machine. Thanks to single-drive technology, many operating parameters can be tuned to increased efficiency. The ratio of weight to volume can be optimised in the package build, resulting in significant savings on logistics costs. Spinning mills can also specifically meet their customers' expectations in respect of quality and efficiency in downstream textile process stages with the package design.
"Many customers can capitalise still further on the potential of the Autocoro 8," says Thomas Arter. "With our E³ offensive we are helping customers to exploit our innovative technologies to the full. And this doesn't just apply to our Autocoro customers. E³: Energy, Economy, Ergonomics – this promise applies to all product lines."