Rieter Announces Dividend Of 4.50 CHF Per Share

Rieter Announces Dividend Of 4.50 CHF Per Share

Rieter Announces Dividend Of 4.50 CHF Per Share
Rieter Announces Dividend Of 4.50 CHF Per Share

Shareholders of Rieter Holding Ltd. accepted all motions proposed by the Board of Directors at the 125th AGM and elected Roger Baillod and Bernhard Jucker to the Board of Directors.


Recently concluded 125th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Rieter Holding Ltd. was attended by 523 shareholders, representing 64% of the share capital. In view of the strong annual results for 2015 and the company’s good financial health, a dividend of 4.50 CHF per share was agreed. The shareholders have also approved the proposed remuneration for members of the Board of Directors and members of the Group Executive Committee for the financial year 2017. Erwin Stoller, Chairman of the Board of Directors, along with Michael Pieper, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Peter Spuhler, directors, were confirmed for further one-year term of office. Furthermore, This E. Schneider, Hans-Peter Schwald and Erwin Stoller, the members of the Remuneration Committee who were standing for election, were re-elected for one-year term of office. Dr. Jakob Baer and Dr. Dieter Spälti did not opted for re-election and stepped down permanently. In place of the departing members, Roger Baillod and Bernhard Jucker were elected to the Board of Directors at the AGM.


Shareholders have also approved the annual report, the annual accounts and the consolidated financial statements for 2015. Further, shareholders have given formal approval to the actions of the members of the Board of Directors and those of the Group Executive Committee in the 2015 financial year. Moreover, a two-year extension was approved for the authorised capital.