Pulp Markets Resume Operation Slowly
Pulp Markets Resume Operation Slowly
Dissolving pulp market resumes operation but slowly in China in the holiday-shortened fortnight. Offers mostly rolled over and deals for hardwood pulp were concluded around US$920 per metric ton, while softwood pulp ones were heard traded at US$1,000 per metric ton. Filament-grade dissolving pulp prices were also firm. It was reported that discussions for softwood pulp were around US$1,100 per metric ton.
Viscose staple fibre markets sentiment was generally favorable after Lunar New Year holidays in China. Thus, some producers have raised prices slightly, which was followed by downstream yarn makers. Overall, market players were bullish. Trading prices for medium-end and high-end VSF rose slightly but weak Yuan negated the effect in US$ terms. Supply/demand fundamentals were passable, and most producers were fulfilling previous orders. Offers for medium-end VSF in local markets were up at 14.60-14.70 Yuan per kg (US$2.30-2.32 per kg) while high-end rose to 15.00-15.10 Yuan metric ton (US$2.36-2.38 per kg). In spot, 1.5D VSF offers rolled over at 14.60 Yuan per kg (US$2.30 per kg) and 1.2D at rose slightly to 14.98 Yuan per kg (US$2.36 per kg). In India, VSF domestic markets were generally stable but exports declined sharply in January, prompting producers to maintain offers stable at INR144-151 per kg (US$2.22-2.33 per kg, down US cents 3 due to weak INR).