Premier Forms A Joint Venture With Saurer Group
Premier Forms A Joint Venture With Saurer Group
PREMIER's philosophy of "Intelligent Technology", "Intelligent Solutions" and "Intelligent Support" is designed to address the challenges, while at the same time making it easier for the textile producer to achieve his quality goals. With the joint venture with Saurer Group, whose Saurer Schlafhorst is one of the world’s leading producers of automatic winders, the intelligent solutions will take a quantum leap towards a complete data control in the spinning process. Schlafhorst Autoconer 6 is setting new standards in energy saving, productivity and package quality and was shown in combination with Saurer Premier’s new Clearer IRisFX at the ITMA, Milano, 2015. The joint venture Saurer Premier Technologies Private Limited was formed in Coimbatore, India. The main function of the joint venture is for the developing and manufacturing of yarn clearers.
“Continuous development of the clearer in close cooperation with a winder manufacturer is a huge advantage.The joint venture partnership is a win-win for both parties but first and foremost for the customer who in the future can profit from the synergy arising from this cooperation” says Sridhar Varadaraj, Managing Director of Premier Evolvics , “We are very pleased that Saurer recognized our potential and that we managed to find such an excellent partner for our continued development of the active management of the spinning process.” The joint winding and clearer know how in this joint venture opens new possibilities in optimizing the data processing for customers. The first innovation out of this joint venture; IRisFX – a new clearer generation with superior foreign fibre and white PP detection, was exhibited at the ITMA.