OUTLOOK Plus Latin America 2019 Comes Up With Detailed Programme

OUTLOOK Plus Latin America 2019 Comes Up With Detailed Programme

OUTLOOK Plus Latin America 2019 Comes Up With Detailed Programme
OUTLOOK Plus Latin America 2019 Comes Up With Detailed Programme
The two global nonwoven trade associations, EDANA and INDA, announce the programme of speakers and topics for OUTLOOK ™ Plus Latin America to be held in São Paulo, 7-9 May 2019. The third edition of this unique three-day networking conference and exhibition will examine the latest regional developments in the nonwoven personal care and absorbent hygiene sectors. The third day will focus on nonwoven filtration media and nonwoven medical products. The first two days of the conference and tabletop display exhibition offer an overview of the Latin American hygiene nonwoven markets, and feature presentations on private/retail brand labels, product design & challenges, sustainability and new materials & technologies. Keynote presenter, Welber Barral, Ph.D., Chairman of the Brazil Industries Coalition and former Brazilian Secretary of Foreign Trade, opensthe conference with a presentation on the country’s economy, reviewing the risks and the opportunities and economic and political prospects. Day 2 will kick off with a second keynote speech on trends and opportunities in the disposable hygiene market by Rafael Pellegrini, Research Analyst at Euromonitor International. “This third edition of the OUTLOOK™ Plus Latin America conference highlights the opportunities and potential for growth across the Latin American nonwovens industry, particularly for the personal care industries. In organising this conference, we are keen to offer a programme that addresses both retail and marketing aspects as well as product design considerations that are key to understand the Latin American nonwovens markets. The programme also features important presentations on medical application and – for the very first time- filtration media,highlighting the opportunities into the Latin American nonwovens industry,”said Marines Lagemaat, Technical Director of EDANA. “INDA is pleased to once again co-organize a major nonwovens conference in South America focused on nonwoven markets in South America.  For this edition, we have had outstanding support from ABINT, the Brazilian nonwovens organization, in developing a program consisting largely of Brazilian presenters on the markets there.  This will be a must-attend event for all elements of the nonwovens supply chain in South America, from raw material supplier to roll goods producer to the converters and brand owners,” said Dave Rousse, INDA President. Besides high-level presentations, the programme is designed to offer qualitative networking opportunities to participants including two receptions in the tabletop area. Simultaneous translation is offered into Portuguese and Spanish during the conference.