Monforts Fong's ‘Eco Booster’ Heat Recovery System’s Design Is Original And Helps Save Energy Significantly
Monforts Fong's ‘Eco Booster’ Heat Recovery System’s Design Is Original And Helps Save Energy Significantly
The Eco Booster is an integrated option for the Montex 6500, and helps in significant energy saving. Low maintenance and no standstill times, automatic cleaning processes, are the key features which make it a cutting edge technology for the Indian market.
Speaking to Textile Excellence, Tung Man Chun, Cody, Sales & Marketing Manager, Monforts Fong's, said, "The Eco Booster heat recovery system enables energy cost to be saved further. Indian mills demand more automation, and by the virtue of its automatic cleaning function controlled by the PLC system, it brings the advantages of internal cleaning. There is no more need to stop the stenter for manual cleaning since it is fully automatic.”
For Monforts Fong's, its plant set up at Zhongshan Industrial Park in Pearl River Delta in China, whose location has been beneficial to serve its customers in South and South East Asia, and also in China.