Luwa Air Engineering Focuses On Energy Saving

Luwa Air Engineering Focuses On Energy Saving

Luwa Air Engineering Focuses On Energy Saving
Luwa Air Engineering Focuses On Energy Saving

Luwa Air Engineering, during ITMA Asia + CITME 2014, displayed the new Axial flow fan B610 and the TexGuard System, a comprehensive protection system for sparks and metal contamination in production processes.


The importance of energy saving in the Luwa product range is reflected by the newly launched Axial flow fan B610 which has been developed together with the University Siegen, Germany. By using today's state-of-the-art numerical simulation software this new axial flow fan has been designed exactly as per Luwa's specification.


Axial flow fans are the main consumer of electrical energy in air conditioning and filtration plants for spinning and weaving.They consume between 50 and 70% of total electrical energy. Luwa has focused exactly on this to reduce power consumption in air conditioning and filtration plants.


Smooth and safe operation of blowroom and carding machines requires detection and elimination of all kind of metal contamination in cotton and sparks which occur in different stages of the operation of blowroom and carding machine including the filtration system.


The TexGuard System is providing comprehensive protection with highly sensitive detectors and electronic made in Europe. Luwa provides one-stop service for the entire system