JEC reveals the results of the JEC Asia Innovation Awards

JEC reveals the results of the JEC Asia Innovation Awards

JEC reveals the results of the JEC Asia Innovation Awards
JEC reveals the results of the JEC Asia Innovation Awards

JEC Group reveals the results of the JEC Asia Innovation Awards competition meant to award innovative companies and processes among all stakeholders. This year, during the 8th annual JEC Asia - Composites Show and Conferences (October 20-22, 2015), 12 companies and their partners will receive an award for their composite’s innovation in a ceremony on October 20. Also, a special Life Achievement Award and a Student Award have been planned as two special categories.


The Winners were selected from the following categories: Raw Materials, Equipment, Thermoset Process, Thermoplastic Process, Quality Control, Mining and Aeronautics: Future of MRO, Transportation, Automotive, Railway, Recycling and 3D Printing.


"Asia already counts for nearly 50% of the world production. Asian countries are benefiting from the economic growth, increase in per capita income and technological development. Winners of these Awards participate in the progress of the community and are pioneers in tomorrow’s composite’s usage”said Mrs. Frédérique Mutel, JEC Group President and CEO.


The jury of composite’s experts have selected the best based on their technical interest, market potential, partnerships, financial & environmental impact and originality.


And the award goes to:

RAW MATERIALS - Solvay (Belgium) & Advanced Biochemical (Thailand), Bio-based ECH for more sustainable epoxy resins

EQUIPMENT - Aiki Riotech Corporation (Japan) New T-die UD-prepreg machine: realizing wide range of material design capability from thermoset to thermoplastic

3D PRINTING - Best Composites (China), 3D printing technology based on light-curing technology

THERMOSET PROCESS - CSIR - National Aerospace Laboratories (India), Development of co-infused and co-cured fully integral wing interspar box using VERITy process

THERMOPLASTIC PROCESS - Advanced Composite Structures Australia (Australia), COFA™ - Rapid welding of thermoplastic brackets to thermoset composite structures

QUALITY CONTROL - Apodius GmbH (Germany), Apodius vision system for 3D composite inspection

MINING - Advantic LLC (USA), Application of composite syntactic polymers to strengthen existing steel structures

AERONAUTICS: THE FUTURE OF MRO - Republic Polytechnic (Singapore), In-situ healing technology for aircraft composite structure repair

TRANSPORTATION - Composites Consulting Group (India), Light-weight and high strength sandwich composite containers

AUTOMOTIVE - Hanwha Advanced Materials Corporation (Republic of Korea), Aramid rear impact beam

RAILWAY - Beijing Nashengtong (NST) Advanced Material Science & Technology (China) & Meishan CSR Logistics Equipment Co. Ltd (China), CFRT relief valve for the railway industry

RECYCLING - Connora Technologies (USA), Cradle-to-cradle recycling of a thermoset plastic composite structure

LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD - Professor Gao Yang (China)