Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers to Participate at Indo Intertex 2014 exhibition

Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers to Participate at Indo Intertex 2014 exhibition

Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers to Participate at Indo Intertex 2014 exhibition
Italian Textile Machinery Manufacturers to Participate at Indo Intertex 2014 exhibition

Over 40 Italian textile machinery manufacturers will be taking part in the upcoming edition of Indo Intertex, to be held in Jakarta from 23-26th April, 2014. Twelve of these companies will be exhibiting in the common exhibition space set up by ICE-Italian Trade Promotion Agency, and by ACIMIT, Italian Association of Textile Machinery Manufacturers.


Among the Italian firms in attendance at the Meeting Point ICE-ACIMIT, the ACIMIT members include: A. Piovan, Autotex, Color Service, Comoexport, Cubotex,  Italian Texstyle, Laip, Pozzi, Pugi, Rollmac and Scaglia.


This significant Italian presence at the Indonesian trade fair confirms the emphasis placed by Italian textile machinery manufacturers on the local market. “The Indonesian textile sector is a local industry leader,” explains Raffaella Carabelli, President of ACIMIT. “In recent years, the government has created a range of incentives in an attempt to raise the qualitative level of production, by modernizing existing technology.”


In tandem, Italian exports to Indonesia have also grown over the past five years at an average rate of 30% annually. In 2013, exports exceeded 38 million euros, placing Indonesia firmly among the top ten markets for the Italian textile machinery sector.


Italy’s participation at Indo Intertex follows other initiatives that ACIMIT, in partnership with the ICE-Agency, has recently implemented: participation at the “Sistema Italia” mission in May 2013 and technology workshops in Bandung and Solo in November 2013. Carabelli concludes: “The initiatives conducted in 2013 have confirmed that in Indonesia we can still consolidate the presence of Italian technology, which is especially interesting to the local manufacturing sector for its competitive quality/price ratio, and clear sustainability advantage.”