Indus Textile Group Attributes Its Success To SSM Technology

Indus Textile Group Attributes Its Success To SSM Technology

Indus Textile Group Attributes Its Success To SSM Technology
Indus Textile Group Attributes Its Success To SSM Technology

Pakistan’s Indus Textiles which started shop way back in 1955 have attributed their success in the ginning and yarn production sector to the use of SSM technology. To find out what impact SSM machines had on their success, excerpts from the interview of Indus Group owner/director, Mian Shahwaiz are reproduced below. The interview was conducted by MAKVIZ an agent of SSM.


What made you believe that SSM AG was the best for achieving your desired result?

In 2005 we bought the first machine CW1-D assembly winder from SSM AG. Since it is a drum winder we didn’t get many extra benefits comparing to other options available in the market, however we found the best after sales service and support from SSM. Later on we bought some Japanese and Indian assembly winders which were not as good as the SSM drum winder machines.


In 2014 MAKVIZ came up with the new idea of knot-free packages on same size TFO pot. We bought the first TW2-D precision assembly winder from SSM and surprisingly with the help of the precision winder we got knot free package which helped us to improve the efficiency of our TFO machines and eliminated our major complaint of twist variation due to knots/splices. Having this experience we bought seven SSM precision assembly winders (TW2-D / TWX-D) within our group up till now.


How did you find the machine/service of SSM and are you happy with the completed job?

With no second thought, SSM manufactures the most eligible machine to perform the desired job and we enjoy the best after sales services from SSM compared to any other supplier in the world.


Would you extend your production with SSM machines and recommend them to a friend?

We are in process to replace our old winders and SSM’ precision winders are our first and only choice, since we are proud to have the SSM brand in our production facility. We are already recommending SSM precision winders to other textile companies.


What are the two most significant improvements that have resulted from work with SSM AG?

We are able to achieve approximately 25-30% more weight on the same package dimensions, with the help of SSM precision winders, compared to random wound package. We are running SSM’s new model TWX-D at highest speed without any yarn breaks, due to proper tension control on all spindles, which helps to gain higher efficiency on the TFO process.