Incessant rains in July affect cotton cultivation in southern and central India
Incessant rains in July affect cotton cultivation in southern and central India

Heavy downpour in July has affected the cotton cultivating areas of southern and central India. Farmers, who are mainly dependent on cotton cultivation, are suffering as the incessant rains have badly affected their fields.
Four to five districts of Vidarbha, three districts of Andhra Pradesh are the worst affected regions due to heavy rains.
K Kranthy, director, Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR),Nagpur said that due to water-logging on the fields, farmers have to resow and churn out around Rs 5,000 once again, which is indeed a heavy loss for the farmers.
Although it is too early to comment on the yield, the director says, “A 20-30% yield decrease can be foreseen, if the situation continues for the next two months.”
So far, no field visits are being carried out because of heavy rains. Kranthy comments, “We are unable to visit the fields due to water-logging and farmers need to work out on their farms once the sky opens up. They have to drain the water from the fields, apply 0.5-1% DAP or other soluble fertilizers at weekly intervals.”