IAF is working on global framework for sustainability

IAF is working on global framework for sustainability

IAF is working on global framework for sustainability
IAF is working on global framework for sustainability

In the general assembly of the International Apparel Federation (IAF), held in Shanghai-Kunshan (China), IAF President Harry van Dalfsen announced that his federation is working intensively on a global framework for sustainability. The framework should be connected to the UN’s Ruggie guiding principles. It is firmly supporting global cooperation and nowhere is this clearer than in Bangladesh, Van Dalfsen said. IAF is helping to build a bridge between the European Accord and the US Alliance for Bangladesh, which is steered by IAF’s global responsibility committee.


With national apparel and textile associations and individual companies in more than 40 countries as members, IAF represents more than 250.000 apparel companies. Through the IAF, companies and the national associations that represent them have a clear voice in such international coalitions as the SAC and The Accord in Bangladesh.


The assembly also accepted a new program of IAF’s education committee including the IAF student award, in order to build bridges between business and education. The program foresees a closer cooperation between IAF and IFFTI (International Federation of Fashion Technology Institutes). A member benefit program for the IAF members was launched, starting with a concept to reduce logistic costs in the fashion supply chain.


Rahul Mehta, chairman of the Clothing Manufacturers Association of India (CMAI) was elected vice-president of IAF. Carlos Botero, director of Inexmoda (Colombia) was nominated as member of the IAF’s executive committee. Medellin (Colombia) was chosen as venue for the 30th IAF World Fashion Convention (September 29-October 1, 2014).