European Textile Machinery Manufacturers Set For Roadshow In Mexico

European Textile Machinery Manufacturers Set For Roadshow In Mexico

European Textile Machinery Manufacturers Set For Roadshow In Mexico
European Textile Machinery Manufacturers Set For Roadshow In Mexico

Europe is the undisputed world leader for textile machinery. Before the flagship ITMA 2019, four Machinery Manufacturers Associations, AMEC of Spain, SYMATEX of Belgium, BTMA of Great Britain and UCMTF of France, have taken the initiative to organize a roadshow in Mexico. More than 18 manufacturers have joined. On the Mexican side, the initiative has also received a strong support from CANAINTEX and CITEX.


Then, a two day program has been set up. The European textile machinery manufacturers will welcome the Mexican textile and carpet manufacturers and present them their latest technical innovations and services in Mexico City (November 20) and Puebla (November 21).


The machines cover nearly all the textile industry, from fiber processing to dyeing and finishing and even recycling through weaving, circular knitting; all end uses markets, textile for apparel, home textiles, carpet manufacturing and technical textiles for the automotive manufacturers for example.


This is a very convenient opportunity to meet these state-of-the-art machinery manufacturers, meet them at the highest levels, know them better, discuss about your projects. They are already or can become your technology partners to design new products, improve your production processes, increase your raw materials, energy and water savings and introduce new features of industry 4.0.